Minimizing Humidity in Your Storage Container

Minimizing Humidity in Your Storage Container

Proper storage is essential for preserving the integrity of belongings, whether you’re storing personal items, business supplies, or sensitive equipment. One of the biggest challenges people face when using storage containers is the issue of humidity. High...
Mobile Offices? Check out these Containers for sale

Mobile Offices? Check out these Containers for sale

Shipping containers are the perfect solution for a range of office needs. Either 20ft or 40ft containers can make an ideal office, especially a mobile office. With their easy-to-convert and affordable versatility, shipping containers have become a popular choice for...
Did you know…

Did you know…

The modern shipping container was invented in 1956. Malcolm Mclean, a US trucker, had the vision to change the industry once and for all. Cargo used to be carried in barrels and smaller wooden crates. The problem with that inconsistent packaging sizes resulted in...
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